Every Thursday morning I get up with the birds. I put my backpack on my back, lace my boots and make sure my camera battery is fully charged. Thursday is hiking day. It has been for the past year of my life and probably will be till the day that I have to accept that old age has caught up with me. I can't believe all the beauty that I've discovered in this past year has always been right here, under my nose. I'd like to share some of my experiences, as seen through my camera lens, with you. Who knows, you might be inspired to go out and buy yourself a pair of hiking boots as well...

January 2011 - Cape Town, South Africa

Friday, July 22, 2011

A day in the du Toit's Kloof mountains...

True to form, the weatherman got it wrong again yesterday. Thank goodness! If the predicted rain materialised, we would have had a pretty miserable day on the mountain. Eight of us headed out to the du Toit's Kloof mountains at the crack of dawn. We hiked to the overnight hut at Kromriver where we stopped to boil water for coffee. After this customary 'breakfast' stop we continued on - the photographs below show the beauty that surrounded us the rest of the day.

We had a new hiker join the group on this walk and I have to hang my head in shame today as she was the only one who didn't moan and groan when the going got tough! Welcome Catherine!

I still have to post pics of the two previous hikes - will do that soon...

Finally, today it is exactly one year since we tackled Kilimanjaro. How I wish we could do it all over again!

We suspect that this is a 'Duiker' spoor. To read more about this little antelope, click here.

Even from the back, this little flower is just perfect...

As always - nature didn't disappoint! The customary heart shapes were scattered all along the path!


  1. As always, I love your photos. The flowers are lovely, the heart shaped rock wonderful. I really like the sense of grand scale of the environment shown in the photos with your fellow hikers up ahead of you. Would you be interested in being a guest photographer on my blog sometime by submitting a few photos? I'd let you know the theme of the post?


  2. Thank you for your lovely comments Mari and yes, I'd love to submit photos for your blog! I am so fortunate to be part of a group of hikers who love nature as much as I do and don't mind waiting for me as I stop along the way to take these pictures. Amazing what one sees when you start looking at the little things out there...


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I appreciate the feedback!